Staff was always out of office but now everyone loves the coffee and teas and they stay in
Staff was always out of office but now everyone loves the coffee and teas and they stay in
These Bodeckers are efficeint machines and they are neat. We love the coffee, tea, Hot Chocolate and Soup
Our staff overall likes the variety of products you provide in the Bodecker system..Our guests love the coffee and teas
Honestly, I have not heard a single complaint about the coffees and teas. As far as equipment is concerned, I think what we have is appropriate for our needs – the warehouse staff has access to the coffee of the front office staff .
I would most definitely and with confidence recommend you to others.
With Bodecker we like the variety of choices. If you ask me I am 100%, no 110% satisfied
Ever since we have had this new brewer (Bodecker) we have not had to call for service because it has not failed. The staff enjoys the products very much
we all agree here that the coffees and teas and other Bodecker Products are great”…We love them
The coffees and Teas are great and we love them
Bodecker – it is a great machine, by the way – and your rep. keeps us informed of any new products.
With the Bodecker we have had no problems whatsoever….yes we love the products
We have a solution for every size of the account!